Explore Dowsing & Natural Movement from a Non-dual perspective
11-13th of April 2025 at the Fintry Trust, Godalming, UK (GU8 5UQ)
Who Is This For?
- Those seeking a deeper understanding of Non-duality.
- Individuals interested in integrating spiritual awareness into daily life and the body.
- Anyone curious about natural movement or developing intuition through dowsing.
Day 1: Non-Dual Awareness - Returning to our True Self (video)
5-7pm Arrival
7pm Dinner
7:30-9:30pm First session
In this Friday evening meditation, we will gently explore the essence of Non-duality and its relevance to daily life. The session will guide participants into a direct experience of their True Nature—an unchanging Presence of Awareness beneath all thoughts, feelings, and perceptions.
Meditation Structure:
Guided Resting as Awareness
We will begin by relaxing deeply into the present moment, letting go of the habitual identification with the body, mind, and circumstances. With each breath, participants will be invited to explore the open, spacious awareness that is always present, effortlessly observing everything as it arises.
Through gentle questioning, we will explore: - What is aware of this moment? - Does awareness have boundaries, a location, or qualities? This inquiry will naturally reveal the limitless, Non-dual nature of Awareness — the "I Am" that is prior to all experience.
Releasing Identification
Participants will be guided to notice how thoughts and emotions come and go, while the witnessing Awareness remains constant. By observing this process, we begin to dissolve the illusion of separation and rediscover our True Self as peace, stillness, and wholeness.
Integration into Everyday Life
The meditation will conclude with reflections on how this recognition of our True Nature can be brought into everyday activities, allowing life to flow effortlessly from a place of Presence and understanding. Some questions may naturally arise as a result of this meditation, such as: how does this Awareness relate to the body and movement? ; how can we live from this understanding in a practical, embodied way?
These inquiries will become the foundation for the explorations of natural movement and intuition over the rest of the weekend.
Day 2: Non-Duality & Natural Movement (video)
This day focuses on deepening the understanding of Non-duality through embodied practice, exploring how the Awareness we touched upon in meditation can seamlessly integrate with movement. By reconnecting with the body and nature, participants will discover how natural movement arises spontaneously and effortlessly from the stillness of their true self.
8:30-9:30am Breakfast
9:30-10:30am Free time (to explore the locality, rest, meditate, or gather as a group; tea and biscuits provided)
10:30-12:30am Morning session
12:45-2pm Lunch
2pm-4pm Free time (with tea and homemade cake)
4pm-6pm Afternoon session
6:15-7:15pm Dinner
Morning Session: Bridging the gap between Awareness and Movement
We will begin with a guided meditation to anchor the group in the non-dual Awareness introduced on Day 1. This session will explore:
- How Awareness is present in and as every movement
- The felt sense of unity between the body, the breath, and the environment
- How movement naturally arises, free of effort or control, and is simply witnessed by the same still awareness explored in meditation.
Afternoon Session:
Following the morning session, we will move into gentle, exploratory movements in the afternoon. These will include:
- Slow, mindful stretches to connect with the body’s natural rhythm.
- Grounding exercises to deepen the connection to the earth and the felt sense of being fully present in the moment
- Exploring what happens when we surrender control and allow movements to arise spontaneously
- Partner exercises - simple and intuitive partner activities to explore the flow of energy and presence in interaction
This session will gently guide participants to experience movement as an expression of Awareness, dissolving the perceived boundary between inner stillness and outward action. It is suitable for all fitness levels.
Day 3: Dowsing & Intuition (video)
The final day of the retreat deepens the integration of Non-duality into practical and intuitive skills. Dowsing and intuition are explored as tools to access the natural intelligence of life and connect to the deeper knowing that emerges effortlessly from Presence. This day is about trusting the flow of life and learning to navigate it with clarity, ease, and confidence.
8:30-9:30am Breakfast
9:30-10:30am Morning Meditation
10:30-10:45am Refreshments (tea and biscuits provided)
10:45-12:45pm Morning Session
12:45-2pm Lunch
2pm-2:30pm Closing Session
2:30pm Departure
The link between dowsing and Non-Duality
Today's sessions introduce participants to dowsing as a practice of tuning into the subtle energies of the Universe. By approaching dowsing through a Non-dual lens, we will explore:
- How to surrender the separate mind and return to a deeper Knowing;
- How dowsing can reveal the interconnectedness of all things
- The role of stillness, Presence, and open Awareness in attuning to subtle energetic patterns.
Participants will be guided in learning the basics of dowsing using rods and pendulums. Topics include:
- How to hold and use dowsing tools effectively;
- Setting clear intentions and questions to focus the dowsing process;
- Interpreting the movements of the rods or pendulum with clarity and trust.
Participants will learn that dowsing is not about "finding answers" but rather about allowing the natural intelligence of life to express itself through intuitive insight. We will delve into intuition as a direct expression of Presence and explore how intuitive knowing arises when we are fully connected to the present moment and in harmony with the unfolding of life.
During this final day we will also explore pratical exercises for developing intuition:
- Body Awareness Practices: Learning to sense subtle signals in the body that guide decision-making
- Intuitive Visualisation: Exercises to practice "feeling into" possibilities and discerning energetic alignment
- Trusting Spontaneity: Activities that encourage acting on intuitive impulses, noticing how they align with the natural flow of life
- Understanding that nothing is random and everything is always unfolding perfectly
Reflection and Closing:
The day will close with a reflective session where participants can share their experiences and insights. We will revisit the central themes of Non-duality, natural movement, and intuitive wisdom, tying them together as aspects of a unified, seamless way of living.
By the end of the retreat, participants will leave with practical tools and a deeper understanding of how to live intuitively and authentically, guided by the knowing of timeless Awareness as their True Self.
The retreat will take place at the Fintry Trust in Godalming, UK (GU8 5UQ). Fintry accommodates a maxiumum number of 13 residential guests, in a selection of single and twin rooms. They have 7 single and 6 twin bedrooms located on two floors of the house. All bedrooms are well served with recently renovated bathrooms.
In addition to the accommodation, groups have sole use of the lounge, dining room, and Cloister Garden. Residential retreat groups are offered the studio as an additional teaching space.
The food at the Fintry is vegetarian, home-cooked and sourced, whenever possible, from their kitchen garden.
The price for the retreat is £499, and it includes accommodation, meals & snacks, and the five Non-dual sessions.