

Premium content
(for 1-to-1 clients and subscribers):

Exploring Intuition And Dowsing From A Non-Dual Perspective
This talk explores intuitive Knowing from a Non-dual perspective - I share my own journey and gradual surrender to life's natural flow. Through meditation, reflection, and practical insights, we examine the illusion of the doer, explore decision-making through surrender, and tune into the deeper purpose revealed in each moment. The talk introduces dowsing, synchronicity walks, and heart-based practices as ways to align with life’s effortless unfolding. It also includes a Q&A session.
Part 1: Beyond Intuition: Trusting Guidance (1h event)
This event explores how to go beyond the intellect and intuition of our individual mind/bodies and follow something greater - the Intelligence of Life Itself. You will learn how to receive yes/no answers from the Universe and your spiritual guides, see that everything is connected, and know that you are all that there is.
Part 2: Trusting Guidance: Understanding dowsing tools
This talk focuses on understanding the answers that dowsing tools give. Ultimately, the aim of Guidance is to help you deepen your trust in your own intuition as well as in your guides.
Part 3: Trusting Guidance: Benefits and challenges
This talk explores trusting Guidance in everyday life and how it applies to topics such as mental and emotional well-being, work and finances, relationships, and more.
Living in Harmony: 5 Key Practices
This video introduces you to five practices that help you find your intuitive flow and live in the moment.


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