The mind

understanding overthinking
simplicity beyond the mind


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(for 1-to-1 clients and subscribers):

The Samurai Mind
In this event, we explore the practical meaning of dissolving the separate self, transcending the illusion of past and future, and aligning fully with the present moment. We uncover how deep presence can emerge when we release personal identity and simply adapt to what is. Drawing from ancient Samurai principles, you will discover ways to navigate life’s challenges with skill and awareness, and find clarity and ease when navigating the ever-changing world. The event includes a questions and answers session.
Applied Non-duality: Exploring the Mind
Often, meditation is mistakenly understood to be 'a space of no thought'. However, from a Non-dual perspective and when we rest as Awareness, it doesn't matter whether there are thoughts in experience or not. The way this understanding expresses itself in day-to-day life is through an ever-deepening knowing that there is no doer and a deep surrender to, and acceptance of, what is.
The 'Story' Practice
Life, being Infinite, consistently asks us to question and let go of our assumptions and conceptualizations to become more present and free. This ‘story’ practice helps you to do just that by calling each thought or belief that comes up in the moment a ‘story’. The more you do this, the less attached to your mind you will become, and you will naturally evolve towards an ever more full embodiment of the Infinite.
How to stop thinking
This is a meditation on how to stop thinking in three stages. Stage 1: Notice now that you are thinking, and expand the space between the words. Stage 2: Resting in the spaciousness between thoughts.Stage 3: Knowing your self to be the spaciousness. Awareness itself is not bound by any thought. Since it is all-encompassing, thoughts appear and disappear in it, and are made of it. "I am" is far beyond what the mind can understand.
What are problems and how to (dis)solve them?
A problem is always a projection of the mind. When we question the self that has a problem, we find that we are not the mind, but the Awareness that knows both the body/mind and the seemingly problematic external situation. From the perspective of Awareness - our True Self - everything is allowed to be as it is, and there are never any problems.
Cartooniser Effect: Technique for Clarity
This meditation will help you create distance between you & a situation that you are experiencing, and think about it from a new, more detached perspective. Its aim is to give you clarity on the best and most loving way to act.
Sleep technique: you are already dreaming
In this meditation, I guide you to imagine that you are already asleep, and that your experience right now is the dream. Just by doing that, the mind and the body relax and, without realising it, you actually begin to dream.
Sleep Technique: Lotus Visualisation
In this meditation, you will learn the lotus visualisation technique for sleep. By drawing the picture below physically and metaphorically, you will go into the body and out of the mind in order to fall asleep. Further suggestions: 1) If your thoughts and feelings don't let you sleep, please listen to the meditation 'how to feel your feelings' and attempt this practice again afterwards; 2) For correct breathing and relaxation during sleep, you can experiment with mouth taping.
centered image
Sleep Meditation: Sensation Dreamscape
In this gentle guided meditation, we allow our current bodily sensations to gradually turn into a dreamlike landscape. By softening the boundaries between reality and imagination, you will naturally let yourself be guided into the dream world, where every experience is a doorway to profound rest.


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